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Significance of FSSAI License in Food Business

Significance of FSSAI License in Food Business
Countries around the world generally prefer food products having standard FSSAI Certification. However, this should not be misconstrued as lesser significance of the certificate in the Indian market. In fact, the demand for FSSAI registration has increased over the years, as even the vendors are aware that the customers are now more aware of the health standards.
Sale of unsafe or food products of substandard quality not only impacts the health of the customers but also affects the image of the food vendor in the eyes of the larger customer base. Even the government asks all the registered vendors and food exporters to get their FSSAI License before starting their business. The certification works as a mark of assurance for people that the food quality is up to the mark and is safe for consumption. In the following sections, we will understand in brief about who requires FSSAI Licence and why it is necessary to get the registration.

Who Needs FSSAI License?

Post the enactment of the Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006, the Govt. Has introduced norms that the following entities should apply for FSSAI registration:
1. Different types of food manufacturer, wholesale food vendors, and food products retailers.
2. Online food business operators and food storage units.
3. Food traders and food packaging units.
4. Exporters or importers of food products.
5. Caterers, hotels, restaurants, and raw food material suppliers. 
6. Transporter and distributors of food materials.

Importance of  FSSAI Food Licensing

The food certification from FSSAI acts as a standard check to ensure safety of food products. The FSSAI which is established as a govt. body, gives people assurance that there is a regulatory body to ensure safety of the food they eat. This makes getting the registration from the agency an important task before getting into the food business sector. Even if the vendor is entering the food market of other countries through export, the FSSAI Certification acts as a way to give other countries a safety clearance regarding the exported food product. This helps the brand to grow trust among their consumers.
To Conclude...
Food businesses who want to sell their products in the country or export to other countries must apply for the registration under FSSAI. The whole process of registration and  FSSAI approval might take some time but it is worth the effort. A business can also apply for a State or Central License as per their need or area of operation.
 It should also be noted that the food safety certificate from FSSAI is valid for a certain period and requires renewal. Any business can take assistance from any reputed legal agency to apply for FSSAI renewal or new license service. The legal firms have the clear knowledge and understanding of the terms of the food safety act of our country (even other countries in case the business wants to apply for export license). Thus, they can save the company or new business from the hassles of getting the registration certificate from FSSAI. This will allow the business owners to focus on other important aspects of their business. Thus, it is recommended to all the new businesses seeking license from FSSAI to consult a reputed legal advisory agency.

Significance of FSSAI License in Food Business

Significance of FSSAI License in Food Business



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