Nur Khairina's profile


by Khairina Yunus
Croissant & Peanut Cookies
This croissant with peanut cookies is the perfect combination of food if they want to do some celebration or for birthday party or picnic. If someone who loved to eat croissant they will know on which time that they can eat this kind of food because they are two types of people will eat croissant and cookies in different time. For example, the first one will take at breakfast and another one will eat during a tea time. For some people who eat at morning they will prefer to eat the peanut cookies with a milk and for the croissants they will eat with a jammed because they want to eat more sugar because they need an energy while for the teatime, they will eat with a curry broth or with custard. This styling was very nice because we can choose which one do, we prefer. For those who were busy they also can buy it at a bakery anytime because the bakery will sell it rather it for breakfast or during a teatime cause we can eat at the both time.
The software that I used for my editing is Adobe Lightroom.
Editing by:
Contrast -14
Highlights 7
Shadows -7
Whites -6
Blacks 3

Chocolate Ball
These dessert is one of the favorite dessert for a kids because it contain a chocolate in there. The ingredients in chocolate ball has a dark chocolate, chocolate rice, and marshmallows. When they bite a chocolate ball, in the middle there they will feel a melting and chewy marshmallows in there and it have a good combination there. Not only a kids love to eat these chocolate ball because it have all the flavor that we need in our moth such as a crunchy from a chocolate rice, a rich and melty chocolate, and a foamy and sweet that came out from marshmallows. It seems very simple but it can be a perfect dessert that they ever tried. So why I choose the chocolate ball to become a part of my food photography picture because I love to see people to eat a chocolate without to look at surrounding when they taste them.
The software that I used for my editing is Adobe Lightroom.
Editing by:​​​​​​​
Contrast -79
Highlights -49
Shadows 10
Whites -46
Blacks 33

The cookies were very challenges and so difficult for me to take a picture also make the cookies look good and stylish in photograph. We not only have to think about the lighting when we want to shoot the cookies but when it comes to the technical side the important part will come out on styling too. This is because a cookie might not be reflect or flashy like a burger or a cake. So I’ve tried to towering a cookies because I think when I just capture a single or flat cookies it will look so boring. To keep this cookie were look nice and pretty, I’m feeling a bit nervous when I have to stack them like playing a Jenga because I have to ensure that to keep the cookies in line. HEHEHEHEHHE.
The software that I used for my editing is Adobe Lightroom.
Editing by:​​​​​​​
Contrast -0
Highlights -16
Shadows 13
Whites -65
Blacks 49

Chicken pie
This creamy chicken pie can be absolutely delicious if they know how to make a pastry’s crunch and cooked. Pies also can come in several flavours, any sized such as some of people in Europe loved to make a pie with a sweet filling like an apple, strawberry jammed, peach, or based on a fruits, while it different with Asian people who love to add on a spicy flavour such as Thai red curry, chilli flakes chicken pie, chicken Parma sausage rolls and Cheese pie with hot sauce. I would happily to choose Asian pies because I love to a spicy food, so that is the reason why I chose this kind of food.
The software that I used for my editing is Adobe Lightroom.
Editing by:​​​​​​​
Contrast -2
Highlights 32
Shadows 12
Whites -14
Blacks 12
Soft, fluffy, tender and delicious, this pretty chicken puff is very easy to make it because it very simple and everyone can make it. This chicken puff is very perfect to eat during teatime or if you're going a hi-tea you will realized that this puff would be reserve at there as their one of the main pastry there. This puff is a bit spicy because some of them were like to put a chicken curry, sambal ikan bilis, rendang ayam, and rendang daging to balance the taste. With so many delicious options, I pick this puff to add on my list in my assignment food photogrpahy because this one is one of the part of my weekly pastry that I should to take because the taste is so delicious. 
The software that I used for my editing is Adobe Lightroom.
Editing by:​​​​​​​
Contrast -15
Highlights 18
Shadows 0
Whites -49
Blacks 51




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