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Freedom is not free 撐香港

Freedom is not free


該作品是為「臺灣反暴政組織」所設計之文宣,組織成立目的旨在喚起大眾意識起身抵抗暴政,他們認為該活動除了常見的「連儂牆」作為實體發聲的管道,夠過社群平台所帶動效益也不容忽視;幾乎人手一機的時代,社群平台蓬勃發展的現今,思考著怎樣的視覺呈現,較容易引動共鳴以及大眾願意關注,直接且不隱諱的視覺手段應是首選,於是將新聞所見的,如:雨衣、暴動、連儂牆、黃雨傘等政治符號作連結,標題以「撐香港 Freedom is not free」喚醒大眾「自由不是免費的」來捍衛自由意志的決心!連儂牆由便利貼排列而成的二維碼,民眾可經掃描後匯集至該平台,將得以持續關注。

Early in 2019, opposition to the《逃犯條例修訂草案》triggered a series of large-scale social movements across Hong Kong. Sometimes protests proceeded peacefully; other times intensely violent conflict erupted between demonstrators and the police force. Slogans were stuck up around the city and post-it notes were added to Lennon Walls. Members of the public fundraised and advertised on major media platforms until the movement became a permanent fixture of local news reports and attracted large-scale, worldwide attention and supportive voices. 
Taiwan Against Tyranny was established to raise awareness and stand up to tyranny. The classic Lennon Wall is a channel for the public’s voice, but social media platforms also bring benefits that cannot be ignored. These pieces feature imagery linked to political movements such as the Umbrella Movement—the staple raincoat, an umbrella blocking bullets, and an individual writing “hope” on a post-it note, with the remaining post-it notes forming a QR code. Scanning the QR code directs viewers to a public page, which can be followed for further updates. The caption “freedom is not free” rouses the masses and demonstrates free will and determination.

Freedom is not free 撐香港

Freedom is not free 撐香港

