The concept on Freedom of Expression: Expression is brought in different variations. A human being growing, evolving, learning... an expression never stays the same. In our time today, we are always trying to satisfy our expressions through trends. The trends where we want this today and throw it out tomorrow. I do believe that trends are always changing because we are never contented, there is a lack of connection to us and the object. As a child, I would cling on to the same blanket because it had a sentimental value to it. It could be thrown over chairs to build my own fort with my parents, it was a companion when I slept and it was a comfort of feeling the different bumps and textures. I want my object to be personal, that it holds a personal entity in the process of building a new object. Something that brings flexibility and comfort in a world that needs structure. Just like growing up as a child, my perspective changes and I used my imagination to build with the tools that were there... lego, blankets, pillows, chairs... tools that can be reimagined into my current object.

The concept of my object are broken down into 3 elements; 1 the structure of the grid on the closets where it can be opened and closed or tucked against the wall, 2 the construction which are the rectangular sticks with the system and the round sticks that are for softer elements, and 3 is the materiality and the personal things we put into the sticks. Combined together brings the personal experience of putting our own identities into the everyday objects we use. An experience that can be shared or an experience in solitude.
Process timelapse
Configuration 1
Configuration 2
Configuration 3
Configuration 4
Configuration 5
Research studies



Creative Fields