Project: Create Magazine Ad or Billboard with unique selling point.


My main draw point was to use an eye-catching statement, supported by a strong color contrast, subtle details, and an uncluttered composition.​​​​​​​
I used a unique font (P22 Muschamp Pro) which highlighted the tone of the announcement, “Don’t be afraid of the dark”. Underneath, I then used a silky texture in the Hershey Kiss silhouette—to aid the influence of chocolate by creating a stronger food visual/sensation. 

To better exemplify the product, I used its color scheme in the background, as well as added it into the plume of the Kiss. I also added the product packaging to heighten awareness when out and about and add more dimension.

To communicate the health benefits, I took a short, but influential statement. I reinforced this tone with the added Hershey Heart Logo—using the color blue which is often associated with health, trust, and credibility. ​​​​​​​
Special Dark

Special Dark
