Siempre bruja S2 Launch | Netflix

· S E A S O N_ A N N O U N C E M E N T ·

· C O N T E N T ·

Client: Netflix
Agency: Circus Bogotá
Marketing managers: Valentina Mata/Andreina Poveda
Creative producer: Lucia Riquelme
Creative leader: Luisa Consuegra 
Project leader: María Antonia Sánchez
Art Director: Angie Molano
Copywriter: Laura Medina
Creative Audiovisual Developer / Producer: Kevin Espinosa
Creative director: Camilo Bravo
Special thanks to editors: Luisa Vela y Andrea Centeno
© All rights reserved

Siempre bruja S2 Launch | Netflix

Siempre bruja S2 Launch | Netflix

Palmistry is the art of reading the hand, believe it or not the lines of the hand can tell us a lot, from our luck, to who we were in a past life Read More
