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Tips to Help Your Child Manage Asthma

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects over 339 million individuals globally. It is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. Asthma causes your airways to become narrow and swell, triggering asthma symptoms like coughing, wheezing, breathlessness, etc. Though the disease cannot be cured, it can be easily managed with asthma medications and inhalers.

When it comes to asthma in children, parents often get worried about its management. Asthma in children can mean a lot of missed school days, visits to the hospital, etc. But once you get a hold of the symptoms and understand all the preventive measures, you can easily help your kid manage their asthma. Here are some tips to help your child manage their condition better -

Have a written action plan - Once diagnosed, work with your child’s doctor to come up with an asthma action plan. This written plan will help you understand the condition better and will also enable you to help your child as and when necessary. An asthma action plan includes what can be done if asthma is getting worse, providing specific guidance to manage flare-ups and reduce the need to go to the emergency room. The plan should be easy to understand and contain all the details regarding the asthma signs and symptoms your child experiences and ways to monitor it.

Regularly visit the doctor - Schedule regular appointments with the doctor and make sure that you don’t miss any of them. These regular visits will help you keep track of your kid’s condition and the doctor will alter the treatment plan as needed. With these follow-ups, you will also know if the asthma treatment plan is working for your child. You should also have your child’s inhaler technique checked at these visits to ensure that it’s being used correctly.

Help your child use their asthma medication - The doctor will prescribe asthma medication, inhalers, or a combination of both to help your child manage their condition. At times, it can be difficult for the child to understand how to use the various devices. Your kid needs to learn how to use the device correctly for the medication to work effectively. Sit down with the doctor to figure what the best option for your child is. Your doctor will demonstrate the use of the devices for you and initially, you should help your child with the medication till they get a hang of it.

Get annual flu shots - The flu can make the condition worse even when your child’s symptoms are under control. The flu can cause more inflammation in the lungs and make it worse for someone who has asthma. Therefore, it is advised to get your child flu shots annually.

Limit their exposure to triggers - Asthma can be easily triggered by exposure to allergens like dust mites, cigarette smoke, pollen, pet dander, etc. Ensure that you limit your child’s exposure to allergens. Check your own house environment for triggers as well. Pay close attention to what triggers your kid’s asthma and try to eliminate it.

Keep rescue medication handy at all times - Ensure that you carry your kid’s rescue inhaler and other medications with you at all times. Keep one in their bag and also make sure that the school’s nurse has one with them. You should also inform the teachers about your child’s condition and let them know the steps they can take during an emergency.
When you follow these tips and the instructions given by your doctor, you can effectively manage asthma in children. Taking proper precautions will help you manage your kid’s condition better and will also enable them to lead healthy lives.


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Tips to Help Your Child Manage Asthma

Tips to Help Your Child Manage Asthma
