Murales Con Eco – "Ayuda a alguien. Empatía es alegría."
What: Lettering for mural. / Where: Mexico City, MX. / Client: Artsynonym

Artsynonym created the project "Murales Con Eco" to help spread support and care messages to people in Mexico City and the world while it's been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Positivity is much needed at these times, and on of the best ways to pass it on is through art.

The project involved 13 artists – illustrators, lettering artists and designers – working and reinterpreting messages from writers, musicians and filmmakers. These pieces were later shown in the side walls of Hotel Habita in Polanco, Mexico City.

I was really honored, grateful and happy to be a part of this amazing initiative, and was specially excited to work with this message by Sopitas: "Ayuda a alguien, Empatia es Alegria."

Murales Con Eco


Murales Con Eco
