I participated in a game jam with my friends, the theme was Not all that glitters is gold and the story we built for the game is about a robot that wakes up months after a riot inside the robot factory, located on an alien planet. Some robots have become bad after the energy given by the batteries has made them more and more greedy in need of new energy, ending up destroying everything in search of batteries and destroying those who try to stop them; the good robot then has to escape from them and save the remaining good robots, as well as collect the batteries he finds in his path. Will the robot be able to save his species? Try to play: https://suletta.itch.io/friend-not-found

In the team we were three concept artists and we designed and texturized all the props and robots protagonists in about only three days, it was a race against time but I had a lot of fun. Here are my works. 
These are the concepts of robots. It was necessary to design a general model and then diversify good robots from good bad robots in the colors of the expressions and spotlights. Looking at my concepts, we have chosen to allow the robot to detach itself from its body to move only with its head in the videogame. 
These are the props, all represented with a simple palette of analogous and metallic colors, with a sci-fi and at the same time industrial style. To help me in the design I tried to model some props on Blender, in order to better guide my friends in the 3d sector.


