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Piedmont Airlines: COPE with COVID

Piedmont Airlines Recruiting: Coping with COVID

As Piedmont Airlines continued to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, our communications department created a series of news stories centered around "COPE with COVID", a slogan developed by our CEO, Eric Morgan. COPE stands for Cutting Costs, Operating safely and reliably, Preserving Jobs, and Earning back customer cost. If Piedmont worked on all of those elements throughout the pandemic, our goal was to set ourselves up for the successes American Airlines had in the future. 

The goal of the campaign was to educate the rest of our team on what things Piedmont was doing to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ways our team was growing and changing throughout 2020 and beyond. 
Our first major video of the series was a story all about our team's growth in PHX. Due to changes in the bank structure and cleaning procedures, we had to quickly hire a large workforce and change the way we do business. We wanted to highlight the structure of PHX and all of the unique job functions of our team on the west coast. 
In addition to several news stories, we also created several motion graphics slides that played throughout the company and country on our MagicInfo screens in break rooms and behind-the-scenes areas. 
In addition to COVID, part of the COPE campaign folded into our campaign for Diversity and Inclusion. We made sure to also create slides about Piedmonts developing D&I projects and ways team members could still connect during COVID. 
Piedmont Airlines: COPE with COVID

Piedmont Airlines: COPE with COVID
