Telkom Mo'Nice Campaign
We all love receiving a discount or gift from your service provider. It's always good to get a surprise, and given the state of the economy right now, it might even be a welcome one.
What if, however, the same service provider offers different, or even better, discounts to your friends and family? You would be annoyed by that, if not outright angry.
This was the issue that Telkom faced with their Mo'Nice rewards program.

Utilising a complex algorithm, Mo'Nice creates a special reward for each consumer based on their purchasing patterns, product consumption, and average spending.

And how do you explain a complex algorithm to consumers? 
After conducting extensive market research and working with core group participants, we were able to identify five distinct consumer demographics with unique online and communication behaviours. Using these insights, we developed five distinct personalities that would serve as platforms for educating consumers about the Mo'Nice program and its central tenets of "the more data you use, the more data you are rewarded with" and "the more voice minutes you use, the more voice minutes you are rewarded with."

We used a storytelling mechanic to guide customers from ATL to digital platforms, where the majority of the product education took place, as part of an integrated campaign that included aspects from ATL, BTL, and digital media.

All of the personas are introduced in the TVC, and viewers are encouraged to visit the website or a store to learn more about the campaign and the personas.
Paid Media - All paid media contained language inviting the consumer to learn more and identify their Mo'Nice persona through an online questionnaire. Paid media was heavily focused on video with TVC take-outs and 
cut-downs to develop association with the TVC and campaign.
The campaign page on the website was created around a selection of interactive movies that allow viewers to learn more about each personality and choose an action that will inform them about that particular choice and find the persona that fits their own habits the most.

In order to allow each personality a chance to shine as the "star", these videos were released every two weeks, the campaign page and media assets for the campaign and website, changed to highlight the current hero personality.

Interactive Video:
On the mobile execution, the phone frame is discarded and the video plays full screen in vertical format.

Interactive Video Journey:
Telkom Mo'Nice

Telkom Mo'Nice
