Genome editing techniques performed a dramatic quantum leap thanks to Prof. David R. Liu and his team (, who designed a series of tools for single base editing. These precise molecular machines have a great panoply of applications for the correction of point mutations that will lead to monogenic diseases. As a humble tribute to Prof. Liu and his achievements here you can see my personal vision of the CryoEM structure of the SpCas9 DNA adenine base editor (ABE8e) developed at Liu's lab. This consist of a deactivated Cas9 enzyme fused to an adenosine-deaminase. The structure also shows the guide RNA molecule (red sphere model) and the target DNA (yellow sphere model). Looking forward to new applications of the system (PDB code: 6VPC)

#molecularart ... #immolecular ... #Liugroup .. #baseeditor ... #fusionprotein ... #engineering ... #CRISPR ... #dCas9 ... Rendered with @proteinimaging and finished with @corelphotopaint

Single base editor

Single base editor
