Title sequence- The Hobbit
The task was to Design Title sequence for the movie The Hobbit. 
The Hobbit is a film series consisting of three high fantasy adventure films directed by Peter Jackson. The three films are The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012), The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013), and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014).
The Hobbit's main theme is Bilbo's development into a hero, which more broadly represents the development of a common person into a hero. At the beginning of the story, Bilbo is timid, comfortable, and complacent in his secure little hole at Bag End.
 Font-Ringbearer Font

The font used for The Hobbit Movie is Ringbearer Font. Designed by Pete Klassen.
Below is the design created by me for the title sequenceThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
                                 Thank you 
Title sequence


Title sequence
