United Kingdom
150х150 Canvas, acrylic paint

This time we will go to the UK. The center of the painting depicts an umbrella, which does not only symbolize the rainy weather in the UK, but performs the role of a ship, as in the 18-19 centuries the main sea power was in England. Yes, afternoon tea! The teapot and mug are in the form of an elephant’s trunk and serve as a reference to the British colonial expansion. And of course, the queen! She is on a horse in the form of a figure on the bow of the ship. I have not bypassed the musical contribution to world culture: the Beatles along with their fans. There are still a lot of little things in the painting: there are hats and a bottle, which refers to the pirates and the drinking nation (that was one of the last things I keenly felt in London). Last but not least, the eternal erotic theme in the form of waves. The United Kingdom is so multifaceted that one can draw many more paintings without repeating the plot.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom
