
Mixed Media (sweater, fabric, threads, coloring materials, buttons, photographs, illustrations)
size variable, 2020
Body as a site of longing. Body as a site of becoming. I believe that the body is fluid. By choosing to present ourselves in different attires and appearances, we express what we experienced, who we are, and who we wish to be. 
My project has made use of a sweater as a metaphor for my own body. I  continuously wore the sweater for 10(+1) days. During this period, I paid close attention to my feelings towards my daily experiences, especially those evoked by the sweater itself. At the end of each day, I documented a synthesized conclusion—such as a wish, a significant emotion, a special experience—of my day on to the sweater by doing one adjustment to it. For each day, I also created an illustration for the day to accompany the adjustment as a form of explanation.
The process of making this project was highly unpredictable. The work tells the transformation the sweater, as well as myself have taken over the time period. 



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