Abigayle Petty's profile

7 Creative Strategies

For this project, we were assigned to create a collection of images using a simple, useful object of our choice through the lens of each of the 7 Creative Strategies. These strategies include combination, juxtaposition, isolation, metaphor, change of context or environment, physical/shape similarity, and material change. These strategies are used to develop creative solutions to express meaningful ideas. These strategies are valuable tools effective for use in a variety of design projects.
This picture combines a lime and a tennis ball. These are two completely unrelated images but make some sense when combined like this.
This photo juxtaposes a tennis ball and a rock. These show the differences in hard and soft, light and heavy, etc.
This shows isolation by isolating a single ball in a pile of limes.
This shows the metaphor of keeping your eye on the ball. It shows a man about to be hit with a ball, thus not keeping his eye on the ball.
This shows the creative strategy of change of environment because you wouldn't think of a ball needing picked like an apple.
This shows physical similarity because both are fuzzy, soft, round objects.
This shows material change by changing an egg for a ball.
7 Creative Strategies

7 Creative Strategies
