Mitchel Meneses-Sandoval's profile

Lord of the Flies - Cover Reimagining

A cover redesign by Mitchel Alexander Meneses-Sandoval
I was tasked with reimagining a book cover of my choice. I ended up choosing my favourite novel from the famous William Golding - The Lord of the Flies. The book had always intrigued me, being about who we are at our core - are we truly so intelligent as we believe? Or are we naught but creatures who will return to being chaotic, beasts that will return to their instinct-driven nature at the soonest possibility?

An image based cover
I didn’t want to use the pig imagery due to it’s over saturation in covers of the book,
which led me to the fly, which also lead me to the word “lord” in the title. Lord, as in, a
fly that rules above all others. It stands out among them. This lead me to use the idea
of a wallpaper-esque background, but to my advantage to make one fly stand out. My
design is trying to utilize fly imagery in a unique way to grab the viewer’s attention. A spray painted-esque crown atop a glowing, deified, frenzied fly stands atop the others, the lord of them all.
A text based cover
Initially, I wanted to use realistic human imagery juxtaposed onto a fly similar to a
collage, but I was not amicable of the results early on. I wanted to display one of the
themes in the book, harmony/order amidst chaos, visually. This lead me to use sketchy
lines and clean illustrator forms to do so. What I was trying to achieve was a sense of
contrast that also reflected the book’s main themes, an idea you'll see in both covers.
Thank you for looking through my work
Lord of the Flies - Cover Reimagining

Lord of the Flies - Cover Reimagining
