James Jenkins's profileWinfield Jenkins's profile

Saint Helena

My art is my enjoyment. I like to try and solve visual and artistic challenges that I find interesting when getting subject matter onto my 2D plane. It is the realm between the 2D plane and the 3D plane that I create art in. Sometimes the subject matter is not as important to me as the artistic problem that I am trying to solve in my mind. This is true in my latest project Saint Helena. I was searching for completely unrelated reference material when I stumbled upon an image of Saint Helena. For some reason I had to try and recreate this image in Adobe Illustrator.

For historical reference:
St. Helena, the mother of Constantine I, is believed to have discovered the cross upon which Jesus Christ was crucified.
Born in Bithynia, Asia Minor (present-day Turkey), circa 248, St. Helena was married to Roman Emperor Constantius and had a son who would become Constantine I, also known as Constantine the Great, the first Roman emperor to become a Christian. St. Helena, who converted as well, oversaw the construction of churches on Holy Land sites. She would later be credited with discovering the cross upon which Jesus Christ is believed to have been crucified. St. Helena died circa 328 in Nicomedia (present-day Turkey). "biography.com"

I hope you find joy in viewing my project and I thank you. James Jenkins

Saint Helena

Saint Helena

My final image was created from an iconic reference image which has been replicated thousands of time throughout history. Here is my replication. Read More
