Demo Reel 2021
A collection of my proudest works so far. This short video covers my roles a lead 2D game artist, 3D model creator and animator, and some of my paid commission design work. Check below the video for a shot break down!
1: Humanity: Last Grasp, main character and weapon concept art
2: Humanity: Last Grasp, animated pause menu
3: Humanity: Last Grasp, Promotional art of main character from sketch to final art
4: Humanity: Last Grasp, Animated level select screen
5: Humanity: Last Grasp, End level animated cutscene
6: 2D Illustration: Character painting from sketch to final art
7A: 2D Illustration: Full colour commission, from sketch to final art
7B: 2D Illustration: Full colour couples commission, from sketch to final art
8A: 2D Illustration: Design based off the phrase “Rip it and grip it”
8B: 2D Illustration: Design based off the phrase “Be Rootin’, Be Tootin’, And By God, Be Shootin’”
8C: 2D Illustration: Design based off the motifs of a spade and a wizard
8D: 2D Illustration: Design based off the phrase “Lets make this beehive a Bee Home”
9: 3D Animation: A dynamic jumping animation done by hand, model provided by Niagara College
10: 3D Animation: A run cycle for my capstone project, model provided by team member Nero Fortier
11: 3D Animation: A set of weapon animations using a banana as a gun. Banana is fully rigged and has bones in each peel, allowing them to be manipulated and animated fluidly. Includes firing, alternate, and idle animations. Arm model provided by Niagara College. Banana model created by me.
12: 3D Animation Lip Sync: an animated 40 second audio clip featuring full body animation, accurate lip syncing using custom face shapes, and prop manipulation. Character models provided by Niagara College, Audio from My Brother My Brother, And Me.
Demo Reel


Demo Reel
