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MOGO mouthguards - Case study

Facebook app - Rules and Regulations
Facebook app - PLAY NOW
Facebook app - like a gumball machine that dispenses MOGO mouthguards
Facebook app - winners announced
OOH - This MOGO gamechanger machine would be placed outside arenas, athletes locker rooms, sports events etc.
Idea: It's a mouthguard dispenser. Insert your old "normal" mouthguard and the machine would dispense a new one for you, with whatever mogo flavor you choose. The old mouthguards in the vending machine would then be collected as recycling. 
MOGO mouthguards - Case study

MOGO mouthguards - Case study

It was a case study/pitch I did for mogo; by utilizing social media platform and OOH as a creative way to promote and differentiate MOGO mouthgua Read More
