Dates: 2007 - 2010
Technologies: Ruby on Rails, GMaps, CSS/HTML, Remote API, Embedded Widget
My Roles: Project Lead, Developer, UX/UI and Testing

Realius tries to gamily the prediction of house prices by allowing players to predict the sale price of real properties. Properties were loaded into the system through partners including Zillow, ZipReality and other national realiters. 
Once a property sold a user was given an IQ based on how close they had predicted the sale price. As more properties were played the system identified players who predicted well allowing the system to then predict the sale price of the homes based on the users input. 
Realius can also be embedded in an iFrame on a realistate website. The widget based realius was designed to handle 100+ requests per second. 
Users found properties by browsing their local markets. Houses were grouped together and users would play decks of 10 houses at a time. 
Leaderboards showed who's IQ was the highest based on how well they guess a house price after a sale occured. 
Zoom into the map to find properties in your area. 
Users can see home details, photos and comps in the area to make their prediction. 
Predtion widget shows other users predictions based on your own as well as where your IQ is sitting. 


Realius is a online game which allows users to predict real properties that are for sale.


Creative Fields