Perfectly random doodles. Ink, pencil, rough paper, servettes, etc....
While doing render tests, I got bored, so I started drawing my classmate at the next workstation.
Random doodles.
Basic requirement of every illustrator - drawing your very own dragon.
If I were an actress, this is the part I play.
The usual walk cycles. But this guy had the most cool walk about him.
Two ex-boyfriends here. One with a pouch.
I don't know where my mind was drifting off to then. I was probably thinking about WWI pilots and dragons and Space 1999.
Bird brain.
If Marge was plumper and with a different hairdo.
Senior with beauty spot.
IT department.
You should expect to look like this after 40 years in accounting.
Inspired by Charles Morrow of Redding, CA.


When bored.....
