Redesign Kurt Vonnegut's Player Piano
Player Piano is a roman by Kurt Vonnegut. A dystopian story about a fully automated American society. The widespread mechanization creates conflict between the wealthy upper class, who keep society running, and the lower class, whose skills and purpose in society have been replaced by machines. At the beginning of the story, the protagonist belongs to this wealthy upper class  but eventually ends up on the side of a rebel group of the lower class, which was against mechanization.

Various aspects of the book are incorporated in the design. For example, the layout design is also fully automated because it is based on the numbers given by an algorithm. The numbers represent choices of different layout aspects such as the number of columns on a page, the size of the page numbers, the use of the font and so on. All these aspects and numbers also make the cover. In the book, so-called 'rebel pages' unexpectedly occur. These refer to the rebel group and therefore disobey the prescribed layout of the algorithm. At last, the book is completely black and white in order to represent the polarization of the society featured in the book.
Player Piano

Player Piano

Player Piano is a roman by Kurt Vonnegut. A dystopian story about a fully automated American society. The widespread mechanization creates confli Read More


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