it took me a little bit to come up some suitable silhouettes that I thought worked and looked fun to fill the gaps in. For the shapes of the character, I wanted to create a character that portrayed something calm and mysterious, so the sharp angles all over the place are to add to the mysteriousness and add to the intensity he's emitting. He also has some softer angles, with his eyes, ears, and overall facial placement, which adds to the calm. I think that the two characteristics compliment each other, so I just went for it. As for the colour palette I wanted something that reminded me of the forest, so there are some greens and blues. However, I wanted his horns and eyes to stand out, adding to the intensity and mysteriousness, so that's why there are greys and bright red in there. The colours say that he's used to dealing with nature, he's used to hiding in it, living in it, doesn't matter. The horns, shoulder spikes, and eyes, however, just serve as ways to make him stand out, to emphasize that while he may be accustomed to the forest, he's no native from its bowels, nor does he try to hide this fact. It was great to experiment with the different palettes and silhouettes to fit the character I'd already somewhat envisioned, and I'm glad with the way the final guy turned out. Granted, learning that there's an easier way to empty the silhouettes other than just one at a time was irritating, but I can use it in the future. 



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