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Pick Pants with Pocket Power

Pick Pants With Pocket Power PSA Poster
Backstory on why a Public Service Announcement for Women’s Pant pockets.

What started out as a minor annoyance has now turned into my PSA project.  Ironically, it was my husband who first noticed that woman’s pants pockets are smaller than men’s.   I’ll go ahead and answer the awkward question that everyone is wondering.  Has my husband tried on women’s pants?  Yes. Yes he has. 
We are thrift shoppers, (okay, he likes thrift shopping, I like to step it up a little and shop at Wal-Mart for clothing!) and sometimes there’s not that large of a variety of jeans in the men’s section.  So, my husband went over to the women’s section and found some jeans in his size.  He couldn’t believe how small the pockets were, and promptly went back to his own section. 
Being a woman, I’m used to the smaller pocket sizes.  When I was pregnant with our first child, I actually wore my husband’s jeans for a couple of days as fake maternity clothes.  I loved the pocket space and was wondering why woman’s pants weren’t the same.  This was almost 20 years ago when only the rich (or drug dealers) had cell phones.  Now everyone has a cell phone and easy access to it is imperative.  Nobody wants to dig through a purse to find their phone.  Or worse, have to have someone call it because they can’t remember where they set it.  Having large enough pockets for a cell phone is important for quality of life.  That is why I have taken on this important crusade.  Woman everywhere need pockets large enough for phones!

Let's look at each one individually as if you were to see it on the street
Pick Pants with Pocket Power


Pick Pants with Pocket Power

PSA poster for BYU-I Graphic Design class ART 235.
