Misty Fok's profile

UX Project - SpaceCat - solo travel

​User Experience, UI Design, Service Design, Social Innovation, Branding
SpaceCat is an online platform of solo travellers dedicated to creative personal travel journaling and Eco-travel. It also helps solo travellers connect to a like-minded community, making it easy to share their stories and adventures. After the trip, solo travellers can use carbon offset service to offset their air-travel CO2 emissions to achieve climate neutrality and gain mementos.
This project explores the hunt statement:
To understand the experience of travelling solo as Asian international solo travellers in order to identify opportunities to enhance this experience.
Goals and Challenges

 Task goals:
• Organise the scattered travel records
• Effective engagement in climate protection
• Gain personal and meaningful memento 
Experience goals:
• Smooth and seamless recording experience 
• Feeling connected in climate protection
• Gain a sense of fulfilment 
Pain points and challenges:
• The ways of capturing the trip are scattered
• Lots of travel pictures and travel memories are loose
• Lack meaningful travel memento 
• Feel disjointed about the solo trip journaling
• Feel disconnected in climate protection
Concept Statement

It is an online platform that utilises Location-based service and Carbon offset to support the creation and sharing of solo travel portfolio and personal mementos for Asian international solo travellers. 
Storyboard: User story
Three key journeys
Customer journey map
Service blueprint
UX Project - SpaceCat - solo travel

UX Project - SpaceCat - solo travel


Creative Fields