Gift Wrap Design
Packaging design takes on a variety of forms from make-up containers, milk cartons, to wrapping paper and etc! 
Challenged in my Process and Production class to create a pattern for wrapping paper with any theme, I chose to create Halloween themed pattern. Featuring illustrations of common spooky characters such as Devils, Skeletons, and Pumpkin Heads as well as knives and broomsticks, I wanted to make something cute and spooky.

SKILLS: Illustration, Graphic Design, Packaging Design, Pattern Making
,TOOLS: Adobe Fresco, Illustrator
Starting in Fresco I drew out the designs I wanted to include in the pattern. I wanted the shapes to be easy to trace over in Illustrator and to be rather simple so that they wouldn’t be hard to discern if too busy looking. Kept the designs child friendly so it would be appropriate for all audiences.
Played with different background colors and pattern arrangements.
Gift Wrap Design

Gift Wrap Design
