IMMA FEST 2017 - Koi Pond
Interactive Koi Pond

Artist Statement
This Koi pond is an interactive floor installation, where the Koi will evade wherever the audience stand/move. We hope this interactive installation offer new opportunities for the audience to actively participate in more installations  and not worry about the learning curve. With the technologies today, we easily have the opportunity to feel the "real-virtual" boundary between the real world  and the digital dimension. Physical participation and social interaction  become essential qualities. This interactive floor installation allow the audience to literally feel their way around the design scripts and form their own experience.

Technical Statement
This Sequence Diagram is a brief version of the technical statement. As shown in the Sequence Diagram above, there are 3main components which are the Controller, Kinect, and Projector. This installation will start off with the function drawBlob(). When this function was sent to the kinect, it would identify User/s and transmit the data back to the Controller. Finally the controller will send function "display(koi)" to projects the koi with the last component, projector. However, while displaying koi, there will be two alternative "scenes" that might happen base on the data transmitted back from the Kinect. If there is no user detected. the movement of the Koi would be wandering around. On the other hand, if there is user in the installation the koi fish will avoid the user's position.
Koi Pond

Koi Pond
