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The concept of the whole work is to interpret and show the power of the font “Baskerville” through the form of a specimen book. The font “Baskerville” was produced during the transition period, so its appearance is very critical. It is both the reform of the former and the enlightenment of the latter. So its location is especially important. In addition, when I did research on this font, I found that its main charm is elegance and detail. In terms of the details of the main letters, both uppercase and lowercase letters have their own specific characteristics.

The intention of the whole work is to let readers know more about the existence, history and characteristics of this font by reading this book. It is not only a book that allows readers to understand the background and basic knowledge of fonts, but also a book that when readers read the entire book can further stimulate their awareness of fonts, so as to better use this font in different design fields. For Baskerville, it is very classic, and at the same time it can show its characteristics well whether it is in printed text or in digital media.

Throughout the design process, my main purpose is to highlight the elegance of “Baskerville", so I pay more attention to the details of the font, and express the characteristics of all letters through design as much as possible. My first step was to understand the difference between other fonts in the same category and “Baskerville”, for example, “Georgia” and “Times New Roman”. I used different font types of the same letter to make a comparison, and used red to highlight the “Baskerville "font, so that readers can see the difference between them more clearly. My second step is to find and record the characteristics of different letters, including lowercase letters, because even if the lowercase letters are in the same weight as the uppercase letters, they will have different characteristics, for example, j and x. These two lowercase letters are completely different from the uppercase letters in italic. Then the characteristic of the letter “O” is its vertical stress, so I put the “O” in the Baskerville font in the middle of the two pages to more directly highlight its characteristics. My last step is to add some opinions or explanations to the part of the letter features. The purpose of this is to let the readers have the same feelings or new inspirations after reading my opinions.



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