their lives that they no longer even notice it. It’s become so natural to them that it is often very difficult to correct, as their posture is as natural to them as breathing. When people form poor sitting posture habits or behaviors, it can lead to chronic physical pain and even social consequence. 

We have proposed to embed a sensor system within future models of cars that will help all users improve their sitting posture. The main goal of our system is to eventually have the user actively monitor and maintain correct sitting posture over the course of driving.
A real danger to our generation and the next generations is skeleton related medical problems due to excessive use of laptops, PCs, and automobiles. The way we sit in our cars or in front of a laptop has significant effect on our body health. Bad posture in the short term, if not corrected, can become chronic and lead to ailments, aches, and pain in the lower lumbar region, erector spinal muscles, neck, shoulders, and upper arms.
The reminders to improve posture are as frequent as the user decides to drive. Also, the work and even awareness required to improve posture in the car is minimal, thus making this system more attractive for our users. And lastly, the posture improvement in the car will create positive affirmations of the user’s attitude towards posture and hopefully perpetuate the decision to have good posture again when the opportunity to make that conscious decision comes up again at any other point in their day.
Studies show that with as few as 19 sensors, we can optimally sense posture. Future advances in sensor technology, hopefully, will provide us with a more efficient - and so economically viable - sensor system.

To see our car consul design, click here.


We have proposed to embed a sensor system within future models of cars that will help all users improve their sitting posture. The main goal of o Read More


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