Aurora Chapa's profile

Illustration Vol. 1

Space Calavera
My latest illustration. I wanted to make a chilly concept, so it was inspired by cosmic and mexican stuff like caguamón (big beer), burritos, catrina make up and Quetzalcoatl, a prehispanic God. I totally enjoyed making this and I hope my future work meet this quality and beyond.
Indio Beer, Quetzalcoatl, Calavera ornaments.
December 12 is a big day for a lot of mexicans because it's when Virgencita de Guadalupe is celebrated. Virgin of Guadalupe has a deeper meaning, not just religious, she's a national and identity symbol within and outside Mexico. Initially she was supposed to join two different cultures: hispanic and prehispanic (aztec to be specific), she's the mix of Mary mother of Jesus and Coatlicue, mother of Huitzilopochtli God of war. She was the symbol behind Mexican Independence war and she's represented in every media.
Because of the big impact she has for mexicans, I wanted to do my own version of her, alongside other elements.
Sacred Heart and roses. Face and Mantle of the Virgin, her colors remind of nopales and prickly pear. Nopales and Colibri, a sacred bird.
Valentine Day 2021
This is a funny pic since I wanted to portray two Mexican pop culture characters: Simi Doctor and Mama Lucha. The first one is a mascot for a big chain of low cost medicines and consulting rooms across country. The second one is the mascot of a famous low cost hypermarket.
This is a representation of Mother of Huitzilopochtli, God of War in aztec culture. Her name means "the one with a snake skirt" and she was portraited wearing a necklace made of hearts, hands and a skull. According to the legend, she got pregnant by touching a feather, her children didn't forgive her and accused her for being an adulteress. One of them: Coyolxauhqui encouraged her siblings to kill her, so Coatlicue tried to run away for her life, then an unborn Huitzilopochli told her "Don't fear, I will protect you" and a few moments later she gave birth. Huitzilopochtli, who was an adult now, killed his siblings and dismembered Coyolxauhqui.​​​​​​​
Mariachi Calaverezco
It was a really demanding project. I wanted to make a tribute for an important figure in mexican culture: Mariachi and their beautiful music. The main subject here is clear, but I tried to add some ornaments and elements like Tequila, cactus and a Quetzal.
Other illustrations
A self-portrait. A Catrina that represents elements of my city, Aguascalientes, the place where Guadalupe Posada, creator of the original Catrina, was born. And a portrait for a big friend of mine.

And of course, these aren't the only illustrations you're going to see from me. I hope you liked my work and please, I'd appreciate you support me on my social media and here.

Illustration Vol. 1

Illustration Vol. 1

A few illustration where I try to show mexican culture through my eyes. I want to inspire mexicans, latin american people and other cultures with Read More
