I am Daniel Collins Wamala, an expert in IT Systems Administration and management, now turned UX Designer.  In October 2020, I joined the Career Foundry Berlin Alumni to complete a User experience specialized course as a UX Designer. I was tasked to design a responsive web App for money transfer solutions. I designed PlutoPay  between October 2020 and March 2021 as part of my UX Immersion Course with Career Foundry. I solely designed the App under the guidance of my Tutor and Mentor.
Here is the process of its idea conception until completion. Enjoy!
The Research

The research was carried out to better understand the user attitude about online money Transfer Apps and the relevance of online money transactions for users.  In this, i found out more about the user’s perspective about online money transfer services and how important security and privacy is to users. I also documented User pain points with existing online money Transfer Apps on the market. With this information, i discovered the type of tasks users perform while Transacting money, and in what contenxt, the frequency, difficulty and transfer duration the users experience while carrying out these transactions. 
User Interviews

User interviews was a great tool to use, especially in the early stages of the project. I got to know about the goals of our potential target users and how best i could align them with the Business goals to create an ideal product. I also discovered the users needs and consolidated them with the functional requirements for my design. I also carefully selected 12 interview questions for a more user ideal design. I subjected these to 3 participants of different age groups and social/work life style.        
This was carried out to reach a larger group of our target audience,using online automated survey services.It helped in ensuring that the participants can freely express themselves without fear of who is watching which gave me a wide range of feedback from user responses with a clearer view of how a product can reach customer satisfaction. for more accuracy, the survey follow-up questions followed right after the interviews.
Analytics Reviews
This method too put more light on the Pluto pay journey research, as a competitive analysis tool to understand deeper how similar Apps operate and their market advantage or limitations.This helped me know what to improve and perform better than my competitors.

I created Personas to have a good feel about the audience for whom am designing. As a designer, i had the responsibility to dig deeper into the users lifestyle, daily activities, frustrations, motivations and needs,  so that i familiarise my self with my audience so as to design the most desirable product.
User Flows and Task Analysis
In this step, I crafted 3 task flows as a representation of a set of steps some of the users from the interviewees, could take to complete a desired action. Thereafter, I created user flows as paths these users could journey onto complete the desired task.

This is where the actual designing of our interactive product commenced! i started with sketched out Wireframes on paper which advanced into a clickable prototype in later stages.

I started with The low-fidelity prototype which allowed me  flesh out interactional ideas that i sketched using pencil and paper. Throughtout the Wireframing process, i learnt the process of transforming my sketched work into skeletal digital frameworks using Balsamiq software.
Final Mockups
This is the stage where a Mid-Fidelity prototype was presented to be tested by real users. The tests gave me some really good insights from the test participants which gave me a good feedback of where the users frustrations were intense and how to correct them in preparation for the 'real' product.
What was tested included the product learnability, onboarding, navigation, and task completion. The feed back i got helped me make a few adjustments to help my audience achieve their desired tasks/goals.
From some feed back i got,  the App‘s Navigation was quick , understandable and memorable. Some users however desired to have an input field of their phone number instead of the regular email field for a quicker Login process. 
Some users prefered that the login gets them direct to the App‘s services without the need to go through other screens.
I learnt that a variety of payment options was desired since a bigger part of the users made international transfers.
some users also emphasized for the App to have the Chat feature and hoped it would be a 24/7 service
Some users wished that the “Home” screen could be customized and that for more security the payment with Bank needed to have a double authorization.
A bigger population of the audience liked to have the transaction rate displayed and made me realize i needed to include that in the App
Clickable Prototype
With this Link, you will be guided to my clickable prototype

