Ines Hilz's profile

Digitale Herztage 2021

Digitale Herztage 2021
Blender | Unity | C# | Shogun motion capture
Project for Deutsche Herzstiftung

This project was created for the german foundation for heart health, Deutsche Herzstiftung. It is used to educate about healthy eating habits to prevent cardiac arrest, and how to successful reanimate.
In order to reach as many people as possible, I have initially developed a web version, followed by a VR prototype.

I was responsible for the concept, interaction design, art direction and programming.

The videos were provided by the German Heart Foundation and shot and edited by Christian Schröder.
Animations were recorded with motion capture system and two actresses.
Textures for the objects in the kitchen were textured by Birke Trautvetter.
Web Version
Blender | Unity | C# | WebGl
VR Version
Blender | Unity | C# | XR interaction Toolkit
Digitale Herztage 2021


Digitale Herztage 2021
