Heineken World Cup 2006 - Holland’s Secret Weapon

The hat that was banned in 2004 became Holland’s Secret Weapon in 2006. Along with the use of traditional channels such as TV and print, an extensive scenario then provided for a steady stream of striking PR angles.
During the 2006 World Cup in Germany, the same idea was applied, but given a German twist. In order to prevent a similar ban at the entrance to the stadium, Heineken made the hat look as German as possible, creating a copy of the iconic German hunting hat. The company also produced unbranded versions of the hat, which were available inside the stadium in case anyone was banned from taking theirs inside. The hat, which was named ’Holland’s Secret Weapon’, came with special pins representing the countries Holland had to face during the World Cup. For every match the orange national team won, people could attach a country pin to their hat.

ADCN 2007: Heineken two times shortlisted integrated and activation.
SAN Awards 2007: Fast moving
Esprix 2007: Gold Fast moving for Heineken WK 2006
Goudenloeki: Shortlisted
Spinawards: Silver in Social for Heineken Marco & Marko
Heineken WK

Heineken WK
