This isn't the typical gym ad / SmartFit

Ref. Yoga
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this I want to invite you to Yoga classes to eliminate those neck knots
and to be able to turn to look at the sexy one from the office.
Ref. False push-up
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this I tell you that our specialized staff
will help you so that nobody calls you again:
“Your mom is getting better at cooking”.
Ref. Breaking a gym bar
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this I tell you that in our aerobic classes
(Come on guys!!!)
you will be able to get new friends and raise the level of fires on your Insta Stories.
Ref. Fake cycling race
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this I want to tell you that with our stretching classes
you’ll be able to prevent an injury from taking you away from your beloved bike.
Ref. Punching bag
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
With this I want to let you know that we have a great punching bag
so that you hit it many times and not take it out on someone from the office.
Ref. Breaking the ad
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this I tell you that we are open until 10pm so you can train without rush.
No matter what your pace is.
Ref. Jump rope
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this we want to tell you that if you are one of those who don’t separate from their friend even when you go to the restroom,
with our Black Plan you can invite him to train with you.
Ref. Fake soccer race
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this we want to tell you that with our stretching classes
you won’t be the possible soccer star that for their knee stayed in “possible”.
Ref. Muscle man
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this we want to tell you that to train with us you don’t have to be the biggest,
but it’s a fact that you’ll come back to the clothes that you more like.
Ref. Fast running
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this I’m gonna tell you that we have classes to help you level up
and follow the pacer fastest in the next run race.
Ref. Counterweight on a bench
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this I want to let you know that training with us, you’ll get new friends
and you will be in more WhatsApp groups.
Ref. Fake running race
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this I want to tell you that with our stretching classes
we guarantee you a medal bite in the next race.
Ref. Intimidating hefty
This isn’t the typical gym ad.
In this we want to tell you that you can lose those extra kilos
using easily our machines.
If you don’t know, someone can help you.
This isn't the typical gym ad / SmartFit

This isn't the typical gym ad / SmartFit

Una serie de anuncios de gimnasio que no parecen anuncios de gimnasio, pero siguen siendo anuncios para social media.
