I’ve been wanting to make a car scene for a while now, specifically the frame in the cover photo of this page. It has been engraved in my mind ever since I watched Ash Thorp's recent masterpiece "EVINETTA" ( Seeing this project come to life has been such a rewarding experience to say the least.​​​​​​​

I’m extremely grateful to be able to do what I love and producing this kind of artwork is proof to myself that this is where I belong. Nothing pleases me more than seeing the end result of my long working hours and teeth grinding over numerous weeks. Knowing that I’m progressing as an artist with each and every project helps me carry on doing what I do, hoping to get to where I want to be one day.

My main goals for this personal project were to practice my lighting & texturing skills as well as creating a believable environment.

The chosen aspect ratio is that of a 3.55:1 which is extremely wide compared to the standard 16:9 wide format, or even the 2.39:1 ratio we see in cinemas. The reason for this decision was that I wanted to narrow down what the viewer can see, to the finer details, and accurately shift the focus where I want it to be using depth of field and lighting. The wider ratio also gives a sense of space and scale for the environment, which I believe helps empower the final look of the images.

The Ford Mustang is a car I’ve always loved ever since I was a child, one that I hope to own one day. It’s the definition of a muscle car. I hope I’ve managed to do this beast of a machine some justice through the compositions I’ve chosen. There’s something extremely satisfying about the lines of this 1965 design.

Please enjoy this series of stills, I had so much fun working on this and learned a tonne of new things that I can now add to my arsenal as a 3D artist moving forward.

Software Used: Unreal Engine 4, Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter, Quixel Mixer, Quixel Bridge, Adobe Photoshop
