Album Art. A glance into the thought process.

I studied two different album covers of my choice, studying the artists and designers involved and what may have influenced the design. Art movements and key world events which may have also influenced the Album's content and final design outcomes. 

Albums studied:
1) Pink Floyd's, Dark Side of the Moon. A lyrically powerful album from the early 1970s, it's imagery still iconic today.
2) The 1975's, A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships. An album from my own collection which is personal to me. Lyrics powerfully highlight the massive impact online resources and social media has had on today's society.

Final idea influenced by secondary research. 
1) Work by Samuel Burgess Johnson for The 1975 Gig posters.
2) Work by Peter Saville for the album cover 'Power, corruption and lies'.
3) Work by world wide print designer, Nick Loaring for The Print Project. 

Visual Thesis.

Visual Thesis.
