The social distance of modern society and the self-repression of individuals have become common symptoms.

The theme of this film “404 Not Found” was originally provided by the server when the client was browsing the web information, the server was unable to respond and did not know why. We would like to express the phenomenon that individual can not be found it through the term“404”.
This short film intends to use water as a medium and aesthetic expression to make an analogy between the protagonist and the goldfish -- two fates of the similarity, Both of them are imprisoned respectively in a lonely glass cylinder, wanting to shout out but was choked, wanting to communicate but can not be heard.

We simulate the feeling of surging waves through interaction of plastic film and human , just like fish in water but can't swim freely. The suffocation, wrapped in film, is similar to a fish that can't exhale painfully on the shore. 

We capture the similar fates of people and goldfish but the opposite of imprisonment to express our emotions.



