People use plastic bags in large quantities, however, plastic bags are made from harmful chemical substances, which are not only detrimental to human health, but difficultly decomposed in the nature. What is worse, they will pollute land, water, etc.

•  What is the client’s objective?
Try to stop use plastic bags or other plastic products.
•  How will it be measured?
 Bring our own bag

•   To whom will the advertising be addressed?
18-25 year old office worker
•   What would this target be like as a person? More important, what feelings, attitudes and beliefs does this target hold about our brand?
Plastics thrown into the ocean or the forest can cause pain to countless animals, so I've changed roles to us, and shows people struggle with plastics.
•   In what type of activities does the target typically engage?
They use their mobile phones very often to surf the Internet, play games, use computers at home, and take public transport to their destination.

•   What is our brand’s current personality
Ignorance, hack care, none of my business
•   What does it need to be
Considerate, concern​​​​​​​
If I were to reuse my plastic bottle
Instead of throwing away and create more plastic garbage
I will reuse it repeatedly
Because reuse, recycle and reduce will make the earth a cleaner place to live.
Rethink Plastic

Rethink Plastic
