Road to Man- Nov 2020
A million possibilities are in this image, based on who is looking.
Just as a million possibilities are within us, everyday in a new path.
It is up for you to decide.
Necessary Robustness- Nov 2020
My structure is built with strength, the balance between straight and circular. Without one, the other crumbles.
The Artistic Process
Leading up to those pieces, I was experimenting with a compass and a ruler. Here is an early example of such experiments, you can see some construction behind the patterns:
A Mediation Journey
I had been mediating on breaking the border between my body and my external world. This mediation allows you to feel the vibrations happening through you, which happens in the spaces between your atoms.

Applied Artistically

It is incredibly difficult to break the concept that we are a whole body, so I found it interesting to try to create an image that is built by smaller components. Though in order to do this, I had to construct a grander image to lay my smaller patterns onto. Think of it like the cells in a body, though with some expression that hints to the character of the portrait.
Applied Mediation

Applied Mediation



Creative Fields