Endangered Voices is an interactive website (ongoing) designed to raise awareness to dying wildlife soundscapes as auditory evidence of habitat destruction and accelerated species extinction.

Endangered voices aim to raise awareness on the issue of animal extinction from an auditory perspective. Showcasing the works of Bernie Krause's soundscape archives, the interactive website provides an emotionally engaging and educational experience that allows the audience to understand the importance of protecting wildlife and their habitat.


In efforts to raise awareness about accelerated extinction, I made the decision to approach this issue from an auditory perspective, as a result from my research findings of a soundscape ecologist Bernie Krause, who discovered about how accelerated extinction impacted the soundscapes of various ecosystems. Bernie's finding inspired me to raise awareness to the dying wildlife soundscapes as an auditory evidence of habitat destruction and accelerated species loss and extinction caused by humans.

The concept of the interactive website is a hybrid-infographic video style, providing information in an animated infographic style with an interactive element where the audience are required to click, or type to create engagement with the website.

A voice narration will be audible, guiding the audience through the website, coupled with illustrations to educate the audience with the statistics.

Some examples of soundscape comparisons and last recordings of animal voices before extinction will be shown to create emotional engagement with the audience.

Endangered Voices

Endangered Voices


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