For this assignment, I had to choose an article first. I immediately eliminated the one about COVID-19 because, well, I'm not very ecstatic about that subject anymore. 

So it was either between teenagers/adolescents getting an income to live from after having been homeless for a bit, or it was about the Trump phone calls, where he tried to bribe somebody into ''finding votes'' for him.

The sketches you can see above this text were purely for brainstorming purposes with no indication of which direction I wanted to go in.
I kept getting more drawn to the article about homeless teenagers. Because what happened at the capitol after the phone calls, it felt like the Trump news would never end. Eventually I lost motivation for the Trump article after that.

In the article about the homeless teenagers, there were pictures of a girl in her new bedroom. I thought that was a good starting point, so I just sketched a few rooms.
In this one, I already tried to move towards a final product. With the plants showing new beginnings for the people who were provided with a base income. The black to the orange wallpaper is supposed to show how things will get better for people. 

The article mentioned that the people who tend to be homeless, aren't junkies, but rather just young people who had to deal with traumatic events.

But as I was working on this, I really wasn't liking what I saw and went back to sketching. 
The sketches you can see above and below this text were also meant for brainstorming.
I was feeling a bit unmotivated as to what I could do with this assignment. I had a one-on-one with one of my teachers and, as you can see, cats came into the conversation, haha. 

I mainly became unmotivated because I tend to not like drawing architectural stuff, but I thought I could try it again for this assignment. Seeing how that didn't work out, I started doing something with the cats instead.
The concept of the lighting and the black cats, finally made me feel like I was making progress. I made this with the polygon tool in Photoshop because I can quickly make legible shapes.
I made a rough sketch of the cat that is supposed to let the homeless cat in.
More than halfway through the final product. I liked putting the homeless cat upfront so that you would see it right away. I also put the cat that stands within the house, to be on higher ground than the homeless cat.
The final product. I'm quite happy how this turned out. Although it was pretty difficult to get started.
Editorial Illustration

Editorial Illustration
