Ashley Morgan's profile

Personal Projects

This project consists of many of my personal works that I have created outside of school.
Painting of the boat scene from 'Ponyo' using goache watercolours, black fine liners and white chalk for the clouds.
I really admire the artwork in the Studio Ghibli films and so I wanted to recreate a scene from one of my personal favourites. When painting this moment from the film 'Ponyo' I tried to recreate the solid colours that Hayao Miyazaki used as I believe they are an integral part in his whimsical storytelling.
Sketch of Dipper Pines from the cartoon "Gravity Falls' in pencil.
Sketch of Norman Bates from the show 'Bates Motel' in pencil.
A few years ago, I wanted to take part in the art event 'Inktober' where you create a new piece of work every day. 
My goal was to better my character drawing skills as most of my experience lay within realism. 
Therefore, for the first piece I started with a cartoon character but tried to make it look more human. For the second piece, I tried to do the opposite as I felt this practice would help me become a more adaptable artist.
The creation of the backgrounds in these pieces also helped me develop my perspective and creative design skills.
Landscape art of the Mumbles in the style of Peter Prendergast using charcoal.
Landscape art of the Mumbles in the style of Peter Prendergast using charcoal.
Landscape art of Scotland in the style of Peter Prendergast using charcoal.
Landscape art of Scotland in the style of Peter Prendergast using charcoal.
My personal favourite thing to draw is landscape art and so I wanted to develop my abilities so as to be able to sketch a scene faster. 

To do this, I used charcoal as it is an easy tool to create different tones depending on the pressure you use and also allows you to take a more minimalist approach.
Bee themed pockets painted onto jean shorts using fabric paints.
As a gift for my sister, I painted a honeycomb and a bee on the back pockets of her shorts. This was also a huge learning experience for me as I had never worked on this kind of surface before. I found that painting was a lot more difficult than I was used to due to the texture of the jeans as it meant that the paint was much more difficult to blend and that each brushstroke was a lot more permanent. 
'Over the Garden Wall' wolf painted on pumpkin with goache watercolours.
On Halloween I wanted to commemorate one of my favourite cartoons, 'Over the Garden Wall'. I decided to sketch a wolf from the series and paint over it in goache watercolours as I wanted it to have a matte effect that would make it stand out from the shiny quality of the pumpkin. 
I'm very happy with how this piece turned out as it had the eery look that I desired, however, if I were to do this again I would outline the features more as I feel the black paint is overwhelming in some areas.

Personal Projects

Personal Projects


Creative Fields