Self-balancing bicycle bot

Undefeated Scrabble bot from ITRI, photographed at CES, Las Vegas
the ITRI Scrabble bot is showing-off!
Toshiba's almost lifelike communication android.  
I think there is a sweet spot for robots. Either you look like a mechanical robot, or you perfectly resemble the human form. Anything in-between just looks creepy. Like the characters in the Polar Express movie.
The "Reachy" robot from...well, obviously France.  CES, Las Vegas.

"Robot Thespian" from IEEE: the most melodramatic, opinionated robot since C3PO. Photographed at CES, Las Vegas.
2 months BEFORE the pandemic and toilet paper shortages, Charmin created a TP delivery robot.  It's almost like they knew...
Of course she's French!
Best use of robotics ever: Bread baking bot from Wilkinson Baking Company. CES, Las Vegas, 2019.
What, no Pepsi?
The robots are unionizing! This is how the robocalypse begins! 

