Goed - Brand Design

The Goed brand

"We aimed to establish a fresh and appealing appearance that embodies the uplifting and joyful ambiance of the Goed brand.

At the heart of Goedgedacht farm, their priority is it's people, and the commitment to sharing our abundance with others is paramount. Working collectively, we strive to cultivate prosperous and dynamic communities that can sustain themselves.

Our philosophy revolves around embracing quality ingredients and maintaining relationships with ethical suppliers."
Goed - Rebrand

Our aim was to develop a brand creative language that effectively conveyed the Goed brand's sense of well-being and joyful atmosphere. This was interpreted through vivid illustrations depicting people, the environment, and high-quality ingredients.

These illustrations were skillfully arranged in a grid-like format, accompanied by a bold and vibrant color palette, creating a visually captivating tapestry. The versatility of this vignette mirrors the adaptability of the brand itself, allowing for the inclusion and rearrangement of new illustrations to showcase the endless happy and exciting possibilities that both the Goed brand and the farm can offer in their efforts to make a positive impact.
Goed - Brand Design

Goed - Brand Design

An old-fashioned feel goed story about a little farm in the Riebeeksrivier Valley that is doing goed.
