On the occasion of the Feast of the Fountains of Wunsiedel, thanks to the Twinning Committees (Volterra and Wunsiedel), and in collaboration with Prof. German Schlaug, we have created an installation in the historic center of the city as a tribute to the famous writer and pedagogue Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, aka Jean Paul, who was born 250 years ago in Wunsiedel.
Guests at the home of a wonderful family, pampered by a whole country, really nice days we shared with colors, music and local beer.
A heartfelt thanks to the wonderful family Sommer, a German Schlaug and all its wonderful students, Roberto Gazzari Twinning Committee and the Committee of Volterra, Voice & Piano (Antonella Gualandri and Aurora Pacchi), to The Maniscalco Maldestro and citizens of Wunsiedel who helped us during our stay.

Jean Paul among his many stories, wrote of adventures undertaken by balloon. In the simplicity of our message we wanted to represent him surrounded by many colorful lozenges, such as those of the balloon of a balloon.
The old tram brought with him the hook for connecting electrical cables in looking at it, it seemed a crown and decided to dye it yellow gold to enhance the value of the wearer.
The tram will never come back in operation, Wunsiedel not have cars, but will remain as a monument and tribute to Jean Paul
Maniscal Maldestro
Aurora Pacchi and Antonella Ghilardi




Creative Fields