My works here are confined to my room and myself, as far as human subjects go. I find it a lot easier to express myself and be open with my ideas in a space as familiar and defined as my living space.  Due to this restriction through, the inspiration that comes with being confined to a small space by myself day in and day out boiled down to feelings of monotony and repetition. This is enhanced by the effect of things “frozen in time” that comes from cinemagraphs as a medium. Limited by the gif format, rather than rendering as long looping videos, I made use of the grainy haze that dithering and a limited color palette provided. All of these limitations work to bring each individual gif of my happenings together atmospherically. Some things came more easily, parts of my actual routine, like working at my desk or looking in the mirror, and some came spontaneously, like the shower or teary eyed in the blanket. These more sporadic emotionally driven works I feel like set a tone of melancholy that, although I don’t always intentionally set to instill, has been a running theme through my art. 

