Adam Maurer's profile

30 Days of Cavalry

30 Days of Cavalry

In early 2020, I spent 30 consecutive days experimenting with and learning a new motion design tool, Cavalry. Cavalry is a procedural application that has tools appropriate for (but not limited to) animation, design, visual effects, creative coding, generative art, and data visualization.

These experiments were certainly more about sketching and riffing off the concepts around the software itself rather than some overarching style experiment. The tone and general look are all quite different, and was exciting to just play around. Since this initial series, Cavalry has become a big part of my workflow on both client and personal work.

I also had the chance to team up with the good folks at Holdframe to release all 30 of the project files from my experiments. I thought it important that in the interest of learning that the files themselves would be completely free.

Download the Project Files

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30 Days of Cavalry

30 Days of Cavalry
