Studio Nomad's profile

Metszéspontok, Designhét Budapest

crossover - meghívásos pályázat a Design Hét nyitókiállításának installációjára
The task was to design an installation for the exhibition of objects at the Budapest Design Week.
The emerging structure reflects on growth; on the way the processes of design and creation are built upon each other. The structural plan and the placement of the groups of objects provides an opportunity for the logical, but also exciting, slowly unfurling exploration of the display, regarding both the distinct groups of objects and the exhibition as a whole.
Each island can be circumnavigated, allowing for the differentiated display of objects in both breadth and depth.
Being placed at different heights and on shelves of varying depths, the objects acquire a position that is ideal for viewing. Thanks to the flexibility of the system, connections can be established between the islands, and overlaps can be made perceivable.
The resulting white, mass-like structure makes the space homogenous and subdues the décor so that as the visitor encounters the exhibition, it is the objects that come into the foreground.
More information:
study - scale model
Metszéspontok, Designhét Budapest

Metszéspontok, Designhét Budapest

A Design héten kiállításra kerülő tárgyak bemutatására szolgáló installáció megtervezése volt a feladat. A megjelenő struktúra a növekedésre, a Read More
