Beauty is Resistance, Elastico and Moustashe's, gathered for a queer performance night.
We played a gender bending society, trasforming men into women and viceversa;
We strongly believe in the central role of gender deconstruction in people's consciuosness and we also think that the best way to get to know ourselves is through the exploration  of our bodies and genders.
We choose moustaches as a symbolic object to represent  our genderqueer, playful idea of  society and relationships but we decided not to concentrate only on that;
In fact, beside the barber cornershop, we worked on the different perception of the space between the genders, giving some suggestions on how to change the standard way we use our bodies in the space, creating a real drag queer night.
Photos by Giorgia Tolfo, Margherita Ferri, Elastico;
Beauty is Moustache

Beauty is Moustache

